About Moema
Dr Moema Gregorzewski is a Professional Teaching Fellow in Education and Social Work at the University of Auckland and a Research Fellow at CAST. Her research and practice focus on socially engaged, participatory theatre and has been involved in applied theatre work in Germany, the United Kingdom, and Aotearoa New Zealand. Moema has worked extensively in primary and intermediate schools across Aotearoa New Zealand to engage school communities in applied theatre to catalyse conversations around child abuse and neglect. Her research interrogates the relationship between applied theatre and critical citizenship education to counter right-wing populism in Germany, and between arts-based pedagogies and primary school mental health education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Using an interdisciplinary approach, her work explores a range of methodologies, including the community-based participatory Applied Theatre as Research (ATAR) approach, interviews, ethnographic writing, and poetic inquiry.