About Laura
Dr Laura Ann Chubb is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work at the University of Auckland and a post-doctoral researcher at CAST. Her research interests in youth wellbeing and cultural responsiveness of sexual health services were initiated through her time spent volunteering on the island of Pemba, Tanzania, East Africa. She became interested in community-university partnerships, intergenerational health dialogues, women and adolescent sexual wellness, and young people’s overall wellbeing. Laura explored these issues in her MSc and her PhD in social work. Her arts-based and collaborative research are threaded through her projects using photo-voice, storyboards, open-ended data films, and journey mapping. In her 2019-2020 project "Coming Together – Strengthening Partnerships between Ghana and Canada to Address Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health", Laura used arts-based methodologies to co-design a set of recommendations for friendly and culturally accessible sexual health services for youth in Ghana.
I love travelling, being lost in new surroundings and having the time to map new places. I had a goal of seeing 30 countries before I was 30 years old, which has now become 50 before I am 50. I've seen 46 so far! I am also passionate about scuba diving, kayaking, and hiking (honestly I love anything nature-related). I love to take landscape photographs as well as photos of my fur child, Milo, and I love painting with acrylics. I am also passionate about pretending to get better at guitar (I have been dabbling for a long time and still no signs of improvement!)

Creative Play